Art with mustaches

Publié le par French Berliner

Today is Sunday and the sun is up at Potsdamer Platz. I rediscovered this place that I visited there about five years. Nothing seems to have changed. The Sony Center retains its futuristic look and tourists are still too many on the terraces of cafes in the Sony Plaza. Even if it seems tempting to sit down with them to see the dome which rises above our heads, I do not forget the purpose of my coming: the Dali exhibition, very famous in Berlin .

DaliBerlinLocated within the walls of the Leipziger Platz, the exhibition provides a major retrospective of the work of Dali, the renowned Spanish painter and sculptor. From its beginnings with the China ink figuring violent and passionate movements to simpler forms depicting his homeland as much as mythological figures, the view offered is wide and it takes a good three hours to go around. Indeed, the artist lived for nearly 80 years. It makes a while to explore the different painting and sculptural technics and enrich the genre so criticized of surrealism. A stream that has even him rejected, evidenced by his altercation with André Breton, the pope of Surrealism in France.

On two floors and about ten rooms, visitors can also discover the works of artists who influenced Dali or with whom he collaborated. The film "Un Chien Andalou" by Luis Bunuel , his friend, was well projected with the symbolic scene of the eye and the razor inviting the viewer to change his look to understand the film. This presentation seems to have the same interest in the exhibition as the madness of the artist is accentuated on the second floor where the distorted shapes merge with its scorched characters . From the canvas in black and white to the visceral explosions of colors Dali proves his ability to constantly push the limits of imagination with worlds idyllic as nightmarish.

For all these reasons and the overall energy that emanates from his work, I would strongly recommend you to (re) discover the artist in Berlin in this permanent exhibition.

Dali - Die Austellung, Am Potsdamer Platz

Leipziger Platz 7, 10117 Berlin

U2, S1, S25 - Potsdamer Platz

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